Entries are now closed.

TICA north West virtual show rules

Anyone can enter any cat (no restriction), this is NOT an official show, your cat WILL NOT gain titles, awards, etc except possibly virtual awards.

If you have paperwork that your cat is pedigreed or you know that your cat is a pedigreed cat whose parents were registered – enter it into cat or kitten or alter category (those are for pedigreed cats).

If you have a cat with no known pedigree or no breed, enter it as a household pet (HHP) or household kitten (HHPK),

  • Kitten class is for kittens 4 month of age to 8 month of age
  • Cats are for 8 month of age and older and cats are intact
  • Alters are for 8 month of age and older and for cats which are spayed and neutered
  • HHP Kitten is for domestic kittens 4 month – 8 month of age
  • HHP adults are for domestic cats 8 month of age and older
  • Advanced and preliminary new breeds are those breeds which are not yet accepted in TICA (see tica.org for the list of those breeds)
  • Cat Fashion Show Runway – dress your cat and send pictures of the cat for the competition
  • Rainbow Bridge – send us pictures of your beloved cats which passed away. We KNOW those pictures are "as-is" and we respect it.

We would love to have a picture of the profile, face and body shot. If you wonder what good body shot is – it’s the shot which shows the body in any shape or form (even if the cat is laying on the back, and we can see the body – it’s a good shot). FB group below describes the good views for body shots.

Please make sure that your pictures have no YOU in them (or anyone else apart from the cat).

Payment – $10 US for US citizens and $10 Canadian for Canadians. Please use "friends and family" if you can. Paypal to pay the fee treasurer@ticanw.com.

Closing date - May 14th 2020

Entry form: https://www.emailmeform.com/builder/form/mbB9SudX0dU429yn45N

The show will be held on FB group called TICA NW Virtual Shows https://www.facebook.com/groups/1818787614922074/

Entry Clerk: Tracy Hisel (please direct entry questions to Tracy) tracy@endelosglede.com

Show Manager: (please direct all questions apart from entries) Alex Marinets aurumcats@gmail.com